Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Boxcar Children...

Tonight, I left work with about 15 minutes to spare before my visiting teachers showed up. I knew that I would have time to go home, change my clothes, pop some bread in the toaster, pour a glass of milk and eat my toast before they showed up. Since, it only takes approximately 5 minutes to get from work to home determining that I do not get stopped at the train tracks, I could get this all accomplished the amount of time allotted. Well, today, there was a train AND it was moving very slowly. OH...and the train was EXTREMELY long. I kind of started to panic knowing that in just a few minutes my visiting teachers would be there and I would not. There was no where to turn around and go the other way because I was first in line. I kept looking at the train, staring at my watch, looking at the train and then, I noticed a boxcar that was slightly opened. Why was it opened?

My next thoughts were of me in elementary school and checking out every book of "The Boxcar Children". I remember reading them and then re-reading them again and again. Oh, I loved that series. I fell in love with Jesse, Henry, Violet and Benny and all their adventures. I remembered imaging me living in a boxcar with my family. (I was really little when I would daydream about that--now, it is how many rooms does my future home have-ha ha).
In fact, as I sit here tonight, I wish I had one of those books to read. Wouldn't be great to go back to those days where there wasn't a worry in the world? Your only worry is that you might have to return the books back to the library before you can read it a second or third time through.

P.S. I did arrive home in enough time to open the doors for my visiting teachers--just in case you wanted to know.


¡Vieve! said...

I love the Boxcar children! I used to check out every one of their books out of the library-I couldn't get enough of them.

Maleen said...

Ah the blessed train. Some days I could care less, but other days you just want to scream when they go so slow!!!

p.s. I've never read the boxcar children. Are they a good read aloud for June?

Gerb said...

It's all a matter of perspective, I guess...when I get stuck behind one of those blasted trains (especially when they STOP!!) you can just about see the smoke coming out of my ears. but when my little towhead is with me, he squeals with delight: "TRAIN!! TRAIN!!" I guess there's good and bad in everything, it just depends on how we decide to look at it. =0)

Unknown said...

I love to read your blog!! You are such a great writer!!