Thursday, November 5, 2015

I am grateful for music!!

Day 5: I am grateful for music. I heard somewhere that music is the gateway to the soul. I feel that is so true. Music is definitely my gateway from reality. When I hear a song that touches my heart in some way or another, I download it on every device that I have and listen to it over and over. I rarely get tired of listening to the same songs—they become a part of me. They become my world.... I love how music can change my mood. It can calm my heart or change the way that I feel in just a few moments. I noticed today while I was at work, my brain was on overload and there was noise everywhere, I was trying to focus and it was not happening. I knew that I needed to escape for a few moments. I grabbed my earphones, clicked on one of my playlists and the world around me disappeared. I am indeed grateful for music. #gratitude2015 #music #agratefulheartisahappyheart


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