Thursday, March 15, 2012

It is quick quote Thursday!!

As I was browsing through my computer files today, I came across this quote.  I remember when I first read it and the warmth that filled my heart.  Tonight as I read it again, I am grateful for that same warm feeling.  I truly know the importance of this statement.  It truly has impacted my life.  I have received plenty of hugs this past week and given out plenty of them.  Nothing means more than the “tighter” hug that you receive back. 251497960410585326_Um9ISnmx_c



¡Vieve! said...

That is a great quote! I do love getting a tight hug back, that's how I know the person does want a hug. ;)

Anonymous said...

That is a pretty great feeling. I got one of those today that nearly brought a tear to my eye. The kids I nanny were in Maui for the past 2 weeks and the little guy saw me for the first time today. It was a very sweet embrace lasting about 30 seconds and as we pull away I looked at his sweet face. His eyes were watery and he closed them tight, forcing out a small tear and said "I missed you Sam, I love you Sami" and I got another massive hug. I must say this quote has a lot more meaning now. Thanks for sharing.