Thursday, June 11, 2009

Worshipping the Porcelain Goddess…Not for me!

Have you ever felt that you  were not feeling that great?  Or you did not wake up with the normal excitement for life?  Or you were not sure if the reason you lost that UMPH for a good day is the HUGE list of things you still needed to accomplish?  Or is it that you were fighting some dreadful bug (but, there is no way you are going to slow down)? 

Well. let me share my story…On Monday evening, I started to feel a tad bit under the weather. (Ok…I don’t think that it started on Monday evening—in fact, it started a few days prior—but, it was Monday evening when EVERYTHING hit!) 

For the next 48 hours, I found myself worshipping the Porcelain Goddess.  Some people might enjoy worshipping that way but, as for me, I do not!!  In fact, I would rather be doing anything else or be anywhere else than finding desire in such an event!NMP073

As the world continue to exist around me, I found myself becoming more lifeless only returning to have a serge of energy to run to the bathroom again to continue worshipping.  I was starting to think that if I continued this type of worship, the next thing I would find myself is throwing up many vital organs.

But, during my 48 hour stay in the upper two rooms of my home, I became very grateful (and in some cases more aware of) for the following:

  • a very clean bathroom—thank goodness for OCD issues with cleaning my bathroom
  • a very clean toilet bowl---you can guess the many reasons for this simple delight
  • bright colors (orange and pink)-two perfect colors for a bright and cheery bathroom
  • cold, clean tile—the best place to fall asleep
  • DVD players—there really isn’t anything great to watch during the day
  • My Mom---who dropped off chicken noodle soup and Sprite (even after getting pulled over by Mr. Policeman and receiving a ticket)
  • comfy sweatshirts—to keep me warm and keep the chill away
  • thick warm quilts—thank goodness, I haven’t put them away!

As for today…I am grateful to be back to work and only use the bathroom—to go to the bathroom!!  Indeed, I am grateful to not have to worship that way again!!



¡Vieve! said...

Whew! Just be grateful it's all over! Hopefully soon you'll be up to full strength again!

Gerb said...

I'm glad it didn't happen at camp... now THAT would be misery!! I'm glad you're feeling better.

Ammie said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! That is so horrible! At least the bathroom was clean:)

Maleen said...

There are few things worse than spending quality time in the bathroom for not so quality reasons. I'm sorry you weren't feeling well, but I am glad things are getting back to normal and hooray to your cute mom for coming to the rescue.