Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Alphabet Station--my recommendation!

If you are or ever been a young women's leader, you know how much work, creativity, effort, sacrifice, and energy that goes into planning young women's camp. Well, I am currently serving in our Stake Young Women's Presidency. I love my calling and I am so grateful that I am serving at this time in my life. I am so excited for camp.

I have been working on items for our young women for months and months. Finally, it was time to take all of the many hours of printing and cutting to the local store for all the items to be laminated. After spending over 2 hours at this certain place and laminating over 53 feet, I felt a sense of relief. The final steps of all the planning is coming to an end. I went back to work, finished my projects and then, went home for a night of cutting out all of the laminated items.

Arriving at home, I turned the TV on, grabbed my scissors and started to cut. As I cut, I noticed that the top layer of the laminated film was peeling off the cardstock. WHAT? Yes, it just kept peeling and peeling. Let me tell you, it would have been nice if it was an orange....not laminated film. I rolled it all back up and headed back to that local store. I walked in...controlling my anger...and showed the first clerk my dilemma. She looked at it and said, "We have been having problems with the laminator all week." WHAT? ALL WEEK?? She then made a comment that stunned my inner soul....She chuckled and said, "We are offering you a 10% discount..." I will spare you the last part of the sentence. I could not and still can not believe what I was hearing. Another clerk came up and looked at my un-rolled 53 feet of laminating and said, "WOW, you have spent a lot of time on this project."

I asked them for ideas of what to do.

They had none.

I asked them if they were going to put a sign on the laminator saying that it was broken.

They said that they could not do that.

I asked them if they were going to tell the lady at the laminator that she was using a defective laminator.

They said no.

I could not believe my ears. I was so angry that I rolled up my defective project and walked out.

So, 2 weeks later after I researched laminating stores, re-copied each item, re-cut each item, I headed to THE ALPHABET STATION!! I was very hesitant to hand over all my items...feeling a little bit sick that I would have to recreate everything a 3rd time...but, I did. The sweet lady that helped me was an angel. She did a fabulous job. It did cost a tad bit more but, it was all worth it.

I shared with her my experience at the last store and she could not believe what had happened. She told me that her store stands behind all of their projects. If something happened during the laminating part, she would recreate, recopy, re cut and re-laminate the defective item. My 100% recommendation for laminating. If you need something laminated....THE ALPHABET STATION is the place for you!!


¡Vieve! said...

I'm glad I have to live all this stuff vicariously through you, so if I ever have to do this, I already know where to go and what to do!

Gerb said...

Michelle, you are so nice not to mention Stevenson's as the lame place that would not stand behind their lameness. You are a much nicer person than me. I would have come unglued!

Maleen said...

Oh so sad. My heart hurts for you. I can not stand when a project is ruined so close to completion.
And I can't believe that STORE!!! What are they thinking??? There are so many things I want to say, but none of them are nice.

Where is the alphabet station, by the way?

Chelle! said...

Vieve...I am sure it has been quite a blast for you to live vicariously through someone going CRAZY!!

Gerb...I feel bad about the thoughts that I thought during at huge mess!!

Maleen, The Alphabet Station is on State Street close to 800 South in Orem.

Chelle! said...

Vieve...I am sure it has been quite a blast for you to live vicariously through someone going CRAZY!!

Gerb...I feel bad about the thoughts that I thought during at huge mess!!

Maleen, The Alphabet Station is on State Street close to 800 South in Orem.

Chelle! said...

Vieve...I am sure it has been quite a blast for you to live vicariously through someone going CRAZY!!

Gerb...I feel bad about the thoughts that I thought during at huge mess!!

Maleen, The Alphabet Station is on State Street close to 800 South in Orem.

Cami said...

How frustrating! Did you ever get your money back or were they only offering you a 10% discount?

Seriously, what ever happened to "the customer is always right"?

Ammie said...

That is CRAZY! What jerks! That is so frustrating! I'm so glad you found the right store. You're so awesome with YW.