Sunday, November 11, 2007


Okay, I am hooked--that is "I am hooked on the Twilight series written by Stephenie Meyer!" I purchased the so-called book after starting to read Gerb's post on it. But, I can not finish reading her post until I have finished New Moon-which if I had it in my hands I would not attend any of my meetings for today. So, I guess, it is a good thing for me-at least, spiritually, to NOT have it in my hands today.

This particular book has been waiting on the edge of my desk to read since September 6th. I have this disease called "can't-put-a-book-down-itis". It was passed to me by my sweet mom. Anyway, I have had a huge mess in my scrapbook room. So, I made a deal with myself, if I clean and organize my scrapbook room, then and only then, would I be able to read Twilight. So, it is now two months later and I am able to partake of my reward.

So, for the book, I was hooked after the first few chapters-okay, the first few pages. I would have to admit that at first, I did not like Edward. But, now, oh, what an amazing guy!!! One day, I hope to meet this type of guy--oh, not the vampire part, but the other part. Most of my friends have wonderful husbands in their lives, but they helped create that amazing part. As for me, I am ready just to meet that amazing guy--all created! Oh, how I wished that I had New Moon in my hands!! I just have to know what happens!! Does Edward grant Bella's wish? What happens with Alice? What about Charlie? What about Jacob? Like I said, I wish that I had the next book in my hands!


Ker said...

LOL! I just finished the 3rd one today! Plan on doing nothing but reading until you are finished with all 3. ALl I do now is dream of vampires and I cant tell you-your not to the second book yet. hehehehe

Maleen said...

Totally, in fact Ker and I were saying that we need to have a special book group for all of us who read the book late, so we can vent and discuss. My house is totally open when the time comes. Please bring chocolate.

Gerb said...

Please don't divorce me as your friend...I will admit I was completely in love with the books, and then I wanted to post a blog about what I thought of Book 3. Let's just say you don't want to read it with your teenager. I think we're done.

But isn't Edward dreamy?!

Cami said...

Yeah, book 3 was NOT my favorite.

But Edward IS dreamy!!!

Unknown said...

Hah! I am laughing and wondering if you've finished the series? I was one of those idiots who HAD to have eclipse the second it came out, you know, because I read Twilight in 1 day and New Moon in 3so I was just twiddling my thumbs waiting. I agree with 'Gerb', #3 is SO NOT FOR TEENS! Sad, because she was doing so good until then. I still loved it, just thought it was a bit too racey for the crowd that she aimed for. :o Let me know if you've finished...