Friday, October 21, 2011

I love to draw a line through accomplished tasks.

1022110847-00I am a huge list maker. I know that I have said it so many times.  I am always creating a list.  A list of things to accomplish, a list of groceries, a list of books I want to read, a list of movies I want to see, a list of clothes to wear during the month…I seem to create a list for everything and anything.  I get an amazing thrill crossing off an item.  There is something about drawing a line through a word or a sentence that gives me a sense of accomplishment.  Tonight, I looked at my forever “To Do” list.  I haven’t been able to accomplish all the things that I wanted to this week and was feeling a tad bit overwhelmed.  These past couple of weeks, I have been extremely busy in every aspect of my life. 

As I pondered over this list, I wonder if it is even possible to ever have all of these important items crossed off. Personally, I don’t think so because I seem to add to it every single day.  Maybe it would be possible if I didn’t let other things, people, and situations get in the way.  But…that isn’t me.  I learned my lesson a long time ago and I was reminded of it once again as I chatted with my sweet little niece.

Several years ago, my grandpa was on this earth.  He was an amazing man and such a great example to me.  My hero.  The week prior to his passing from this life to the next, I received many many promptings to visit him.  My grandparents only lived less than five minutes away and it wouldn’t have taken too much effort to drop by his home.  I found that when I received these promptings, I would push them out of my mind because I felt that I was too busy to visit with him.  The promptings were strong and I still can remember feeling the importance of visiting with him.  All week long, I pushed those feelings out of my mind telling myself that I would visit him on the weekend.  I was too busy wish school, I was too busy with friends and I was too busy with life. 

I planned on visiting him on the Saturday of that week.  Saturday morning came and the phone rang.  I still remember every detail of the conversation.  It is still so vivid in my mind.  He was transported to the hospital in critical condition.  He never did wake up again.  I remember pleading with my Heavenly Father…asking Him if I could have one more chance with my grandpa.  All I wanted to do is tell him that I loved him and that I was so sorry I didn’t heed to the promptings of the Spirit.  I was not granted my plea.

I will never forget that experience because it has made me realize how important it is to act upon the promptings of the Spirit.  It has made me realize how delicate life can be and sometimes we only have a few chances to love or care for a person.  I know that I am a busy person but I hope and pray that I am never too busy to lend a helping hand, to lend a listening ear, to give a hug, to send a text message, email or letter, to smile, to say I love you or to drop by for a visit…I pray that I continue to have amazing promptings to help and bless others.  I feel crossing off these amazing celestial experiences on our eternal list is more rewarding than crossing off a few words written on a piece of paper that really doesn’t have a lot of significance.

Just my thoughts,



¡Vieve! said...

Oh, that story makes me sad, but at least we can take some comfort that you'll be able to see him again. I love crossing things off a to-do list-but mine is never as long as yours! I know someday you'll cross everything off yours!

Chelle! said...

Aw....Vieve, it wasn't supposed to be sad. This story has truly defined the person that I am. I have learned to heed to the promptings of the Spirit.

Gerb said...

Great story, Michelle. Thanks for sharing it. As for to do lists, I sometimes make a list of the things I have already done in a day just so I can cross them off! It's such a great feeling to cross things off as completed, isn't it?