Monday, December 5, 2011

Kisses, hugs and I love you’s are extremely important.

I would say that I am pretty spontaneous but on the other hand, I have to know what I am doing at all times and what will happen in next few minutes, hours, days or it drives me so a tad bit crazy.  So a couple of months ago, I planned a trip to Colorado to watch some basketball for this past weekend.  The trip was changed to watch some softball in St. George for that same weekend and then, it was changed back to watching some basketball in Colorado.  This past Sunday, I changed my mind again and decided to stay home and spend sometime with my adorable niece while her parents went to St. George.  It was an awesome weekend and I learned so much. Random pictures 043

A few things that I learned from a sweet tenderhearted 4 year old…

  • that no matter how many times you tell them what your plans are for the day…you have to keep repeating yourself over and over (and you should never deviate from the plan).
  • that you always need to  carry tissues and wet wipes in your purse for easy access.
  • that you have to be careful what you say because they repeat everything.
  • that no matter how many times you wash their precious little face…it attracts dirt like no other.
  • that watching tears stream down their cute cheeks breaks your heart.
  • that kisses mends all owies.
  • that when they tell you that they are hungry or starving too death that they truly are and that you had better find something fast.
  • that dancing and singing is part of her daily routine.
  • that waffles, chicken nuggets and pizza brings huge smiles and giggles.
  • that singing church songs right before bed soothes all sadness and hurts.
  • that kisses, hugs and “I love you’s” are extremely important before bedtime.
  • that no matter what you are doing, you always hear a cute little voice, “Me help…please.”
  • that you are never alone…you always have an adorable shadow. 
  • that it takes time to get ready to go anywhere but…so worth it because you always have a buddy.
  • that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse can be used as a reward.

It was an extremely eventful weekend that brought a lot have hugs, kisses, smiles, and laughter.  I love my sweet adorable niece.  She means the world to me. She is my hero and the best buddy that anyone could ever have!



¡Vieve! said...

How cute is that picture? Glad to see you survived the weekend of babysitting. Maybe after conquering a weekend, you should take on a whole week of babysitting! ;)

Angela said...

she is so cute