Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chocolate...the best melt-down ever!!

My nephews needed a ride home from school so, they called their grandma to rescue them. Their grandma, my mom, went to their aide. These particular nephews were unable to attend our family Easter dinner this past Sunday; therefore, they had not received their Easter presents from my parents.

Mom decided to give them their presents when she went to pick them up. She placed their Easter gifts on the seat where they normally sit. Austin's on the front seat and Tanner's on the back seat.

First, she picks up Austin. Austin climbs into the car and starts opening his Easter gifts. Then, it time to get Tanner so they drive to his school. While they are waiting for Tanner, they start chatting about this and that. Then, Austin looks in the back seat . . . "Grandma! Tanner’s chocolate bunny just had a melt down!" My mom looks in the backseat and finds a pile of melted chocolate. "Yes, he definitely did!"

Who would think that chocolate bunnies have the capability of having “melt downs”?


¡Vieve! said...

I hate when my chocolate melts! But chocolate in any form...delicious.

Maleen said...

We still have our chocolate bunny because 1)I forgot to hide it and have us all look and 2)I'm going dairy-free at the moment or you better believe I would have consumed it by myself by now.