Sunday, August 26, 2007

It's official...I blog!!!

Last month, one of the neatest people I have met-Gerb-inspired me to start a blog. I was not sure where or how I was going to start "my blogging days". So, for the past month, I started reading lots of "blogs" in the blog world. I have found them both inspiring and completely entertaining. It is amazing that there people in the world that are both experiencing the same things that I am or have experienced similar things in life. It is great to hear their stories and their perspectives. WOW!! Isn't life fantastic?!

So, it is now official. I blog!! This little place in "the blog world" will be home to where I will be able to share my thoughts, ideas, experiences, photos, and anything else it comes to mind. I am really excited about this new adventure.

Today, I was looking through some of my pictures that I have taken on my phone. When I cam to this particular one, it really made me smile. It is a picture of one my nieces. She has been a blessing in our family and arrived only 4 months ago. Brylie is been so much fun!!! She is so sweet and cuddily. I, absolutely, love her sweet giggle and smile. When we get her to laugh, she laughs, then turns her head and acts shy. She is developing one of the the cutest personalities. She has been so much fun. I, absolutely, love to hold her. I try to hold every time she is around--sorry family!!!

1 comment:

Cami said...

YEAH! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!