Monday, March 24, 2014




Tonight while studying Helaman 5:12, I came across an incredible quote that touched my heart. Elder Richard G. Scott stated,

"Anchor your life in Jesus Christ, your Redeemer. make your Eternal Father and his Beloved Son the most important priority in your life--more important than life itself, more important than a beloved companion or children or anyone on earth. Make their will your central desire. Then all you need for happiness will come to you."

Isn't that powerful? I love how he said, "make their will your central desire. Then all you need for happiness will come to you"--isn't that awesome? Love it!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Catching up!

Ok…I have been missing in action but I am planning on updating my blog...slowly but surely. I want to keep the events and memories on the days that events or thoughts happened so if you would like to read about them…you will need to click on the links below. Hope your day is filled with happiness and excitement and that you are looking for the good things in life!!

**Looking back and finding plenty of tender mercies (February 9, 2014)**

**Modest is the Hottest! (February 18, 2014)**

**Let it go!** (March 2, 2014)

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Let it go!!



Last night as I was sitting in my hotel room unable to sleep (due to a screaming baby in the next room and my overpowering thoughts) pondering the events of the week, reflecting on last week's YW lesson and preparing for an upcoming lesson, I reflected on the following words by President Uchtdorf, "Brothers and sisters, there is enough heartache and sorrow in this life without our adding to it through our own stubbornness, bitterness, and resentment. We are not perfect. The people around us are not perfect. People do things that annoy, disappoint, and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way. Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. That is the Lord’s way." While pondering those words, the song "Let it Go" from the movie FROZEN came to mind. Just think if we went around singing "Let it go, let it go" and really meant what Pres. Uctdorf is sharing with us, wouldn't we be happier and more loving? I definitely think so!!!
