Friday, April 9, 2010

Fabulous things Friday…bendable straws!

Fabulous things Friday is back in motion.  Ok, I hope that it is.  I have been in such a blogging slump…maybe this will give me some motivation in this area. 

One of my most favorite things is...

straw_4 Bendable Straws!

I love bendable straws!  For my birthday this year, my sweet friend, Vieve, brought me a plethora of bendable straws.  YEAH!!  They immediately bring those wonderful warm fuzzies into my heart. Yes, they can almost fix anything.

My mom shared with me a story of when I was a little girl. I was 7 1/2 years old when I went into a coma.  My little brother told my mom that if she would go buy me a Mr. Pibb and a bendable straw, I would wake up.  She did. He opened the can of Mr. Pibb and placed the bendable straw in it.  He stood next to my bed and waited and waited and waited.

I did not wake up at that time…it took a little bit longer.  But, he was determined that I would wake up if Mom would buy a Mr. Pibb and a bendable straw. 

Proof…they can fix everything…ALMOST!!!



¡Vieve! said...

They totally can fix anything! I think my favorite thing about those is that you can still lay down and drink at the same time. Genius!

Shelby said...

Agreed! Bendable straws are pretty darn awesome! haha!

Ammie said...

haha! How cute is your brother?! I think I need to get some bendable straws!