My sister-in-law,
Jessica, created 101 things about herself on her blog. I thought it would be fun and easy to think of 101 things about me. Guess what? It was fun but it was not really that easy. The first ones listed were pretty easy, but then it began to get more difficult.
Vieve, also, decided to create 101 things about her on her blog. You should try it...
101 things about me...
1. I hate circle foods...
2. I love ice cream—STRAWBERRY (with real strawberries) is my all time favorite.
3. I love M&M’s.
4. I have 3 brothers, 3 Sister-in-laws, 3 nieces, and 5 nephews.
5. I have a fantastic Mom and Dad.
6. My favorite places to eat are Joe Banditos, Cafe Rio &; Bajio’s.
7. I love Diet Coke with Lemon and crushed ice.
8. I love to read.
9. I love to play board games.
10. I love to scrapbook.
11. I am definitely a girly girl—but I love to play volleyball, softball & basketball.
12. I love flowers—Gerber daisies are my all time favorite.
13. I love to sing in the car and I have my own personal concert while driving in my car.
14. I do not like silence—it makes me nervous.
15. I love the sound of children giggling.
16. I hate going to the gas station.
17. I love hanging out with my Mom.
18. Favorite colors are dark navy blue, pink, buttercup yellow and red
19. I am a list maker.
20. I love going on walks.
21. I love homemade chocolate chip cookies.
22. I own 88 skirts.
23. I love to doodle—if I have a pen and paper in hand…I doodle!
24. I hate the dark; I have a nightlight in my bedroom and in my bathroom.
25. I would love to meet the people on Grey’s Anatomy and CSI: Miami
26. I love the sound and smell of rain, but I hate lightening and thunder.
27. I am addicted to two TV Shows: Grey’s Anatomy and CSI: Miami.
28. I am allergic to bananas but I eat them once in awhile.
29. I love purses.
30. I love paper and have over 5000 sheets of scrapbooking paper.
31. I love to make cards.
32. I HATE watermelon and cantaloupe. YUCKY!!
33. I love receiving letters in the mail.
34. I love to make crafts and create things.
35. I love to learn new things.
36. I suffer from sleep deprivation…I usually only get a few hours of sleep a night.
37. I hate to go the bank.
38. I have a hard time staying home when I am sick because if I stay home from work, then, it should be fun.
39. I love Mexican food.
40. I want to learn how to play the piano.
41. My mom describes me as her Black & White child.
42. I broke my left arm every April beginning with the year before Kindergarten to the 5th grade.
43. I love cold cereal.
44. One of my favorite places is in the San Diego Airport—there is a huge window that over looks a bay full of colorful sailboats.
45. I love sitting on the beach and watching the water—I could sit there for hours.
46. I don’t like cake, but will eat a piece if it is at a birthday party. (I think that it is rude not have a piece when it is in honor of someone).
47. I love to cook.
48. When I watch TV, I have to being doing something—it drives me crazy just to sit there.
49. I love BYU football.
50. I have been whale watching off the coast of Oregon, but I was so sea sick that I could not even see the whales because I was busily doing other things like throwing up.
51. I love the outdoors.
52. I love green salad and could eat it every single day.
53. I love to write in my journal.
54. I have had 1 speeding ticket.
55. I love to camp.
56. I love popcorn-in fact, almost every time my mom and I go to Archivers, we stop at the popcorn factory for popcorn. YUMMY!
57. I love hot tamales.
58. I have blue blue eyes.
59. When I was born, I was placed in a incubator for 4 days.
60. I love bright and colorful things.
61. My favorite pie is pumpkin.
62. I love to watch the humming birds at my mom and dad’s home.
63. I love the smell of homemade bread baking in the oven.
64. I love crawling into clean fresh sheets.
65. I cry a lot. Sad things, happy things…I just cry a lot.
66. I love Target. The store intrigues me. I can be in there a long time and not even purchase anything.
67. I am a very stubborn person.
68. 4th of July and Christmas are my two favorite holidays.
69. I love to watch people—I have watched the most fascinating people at airports.
70. I have been to Hawaii.
71. I love to snorkel.
72. I danced with Tigger at Disneyland.
73. I love to spend time with my mom.
74. I love the Utah Jazz.
75. My grandparents are deaf (ok, not now because their dead and now they can hear).
76. I know sign-language, but wished that I was better at it.
77. I am a perfectionist.
78. My older brother chose my name when I was born.
79. I love to drink out of a straw.
80. I have (secretly) wanted to be a princess and live in a castle.
81. I am the only girl in my family and yes, I am spoiled and I am proud of it!!!
82. I love to speak (in church and such).
83. I was in a coma when I was 7 ½ years old.
84. I don’t have a memory before the age of 7 ½.
85. We rolled our jeep 3 times and I only ended up with a gash on my head.
86. I love to shop.
87. My favorite movies are The Holiday, Return to Me, and While You Were Sleeping. (right now)!
88. I was run over by a boat while waterskiing.
89. I love trail mix that contains dried pineapple, yogurt covered raisins, dried mango and nuts.
90. My favorite places to vacation are Disneyland, San Diego, and Hawaii.
91. My favorite authors are Rachel Nunes and Anita Stansfield.
92. I love Popsicles.
93. I love living in Utah and would be happy to live here all my life.
94. When I get nervous, I tend to peel my finger nails.
95. I love to sew.
96. I don’t like squid, lobster, shrimp and anything else that may be close to this type of food.
97. I space issues…
98. I love going 4-wheeling.
99. My favorite candy bar is a Big Kat (you know, the big Kit-Kat’s)
100. I love planting flowers.
101. My favorite seasons are fall, winter, spring and summer.
Well, that's about it.